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A colon is a punctuation mark. It looks like this :


A colon is often used at the beginning of a list of bullet points - like on a shopping list!


We need: 

. apples

. pears

. bananas

. oranges

. kiwi fruit





It can also be used in some other types of list, but not all lists.


The first of the following sentences needs a colon, but the second does not.

These are the people I am inviting to my party: Kate, Joe, Adil, Dwayne and Jamila.

I am inviting Kate, Joe, Adil, Dwayne and Jamila to my party.


So how can we decide whether we need a colon or not?


If the section of the sentence before the colon makes sense on its own, then we use a colon.

'These are the people I am inviting to my party' makes sense on its own.


If it doesn't make sense on its own, we don't use a colon.

 'I am inviting' does not make sense on its own.


children at a party


Let's see if we can put this into practice!

10 questions