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In this activity,  we will be dividing simple numbers.



If we ask how many groups of 4 you can make from 32 children, you simply divide 32 by 4 and can easily calculate the answer knowing your times tables.



32 ÷ 4 = 8  since we know that 8 × 4 = 32 and that multiplication is the opposite of division.


Let's try another one.


Example 2

We have 20 cats! We want to put the cats into groups of 5. How many groups of 5 will we have?





We need to work out 20 ÷ 5 

We can use our 5 times table here! What do we multiply by 5 to get the answer 20?

4 x 5 = 20, so 20 ÷ 5 = 4

So, we can divide the cats into 4 groups of 5.


Did that make sense?

Knowledge of your times tables will definitely help you with these questions!


happy girl dancing


Let's get started on some questions now.

10 questions