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Seeing as you have decided to spend some time practising for your SATs reading test, we should first outline what this worksheet entails.


In this activity, you will practice how to answer word questions.

What are word questions I hear you ask?


- In the SATs reading test, a word question will ask you to give and explain the meaning of a word in the text. 

- Usually, word questions are straightforward to answer and are an easy way to collect marks in the test.

- If you have spent time text marking, you may have already highlighted the word that you are being asked about!

- You may be asked to look at a paragraph to find a word, so make sure you read all of it carefully.

- If you are unsure what a word means, re-read the sentence it is in and the sentences that surround it.


Word questions are the main question type in the SATs reading test so by completing this activity, you will be used to them and better prepared for the test.

The questions will be based on comprehension texts about life in Victorian Britain, good luck!



kids reading books


10 questions