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In this activity you need to be a good spotter, so let’s focus! Are you ready?  


Which is the odd one out of these words?

Purple   Tree   Orange   Pink


Did you say Tree?


Deciduous Tree

This is because all of the others are colours and the word tree is not a colour.


Let’s try another:

Which word would be the odd one out here?

Rock   Roar   Bark   Bleat


Did you say rock?

This is because all the other words are sounds that animals make.

Here is a list of animals and the sounds that they make:

 Animal  Sound
 Goat Goat  Bleat
 Sheep Sheep  Baa
 Pig Pig  Grunt
 Cow   Moo
 Toad   Croaks


Can you try and make these noises? It might help you to remember them!


Let’s try one more:

Which word is the odd one out?

Pigeon   Dove   Blackbird   Moon


Did you say moon?

This is because all the other words are the names of birds.


Now, it’s time for you to track down the odd words out! Good luck!

10 questions