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The numbers that we use today are not the same as the ones the Romans used.

Roman numerals were used all over the Roman Empire.


a Roman soldier


In the United Kingdom, they are still used occasionally, for example, on film credits and clock faces.


Remember that the Romans didn't have a symbol for the number 0.

The Romans used these symbols:


I  = 1

V = 5

X = 10

L = 50

C = 100


All other numbers up to 100 can be built using these symbols by adding or subtracting.


You should know the following:


1 I  
2 II  
3 III  
4 IV I before V is 1 less than 5
5 V  
6 VI I after V is 1 more than 5
7 VII II after V is 2 more than 5
8 VIII III after V is 3 more than 5
9 IX I before X is 1 less than 10
10 X  
11 XI I after X is 1 more than 10
12 XII II after X is 2 more than 10



We build bigger numbers by adding 10s or Xs in Roman numerals.


20 XX  = X + X = 20
21 XXI  = XX + I = 20 + 1
30 XXX  = X + X + X = 30
37 XXXVII  = XXX + VII = 30 + 7
40 XL  = X before L is 10 less than 50 or 50 - 10 = 40
48 XLVIII  = XL + VIII = 40 + 8 = 48
49 XLIX  = XL + IX = 40 + 9 = 49
50 L  





Convert the number 46 to Roman numerals.



46 = 40 + 6 = XL + VI = XLVI


Let's have a go at some questions now.

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happy girl

10 questions