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In this activity, we will convert between imperial and metric units.


Imperial units can be converted into approximate metric equivalents by knowing the following conversions:


1 m = 3 ft
8 km = 5 miles
1 kg = 2.2 lbs
30 g = 1 ounce
1 litre = 2 pints


Example 1

Approximately how many metres are equivalent to 30 ft ?

1 m = 3 ft

3 ft = 1 m

3 x 10 = 30 ft, so 1 x 10 = 10 m

30 ft = 10 m

10 m = 30 ft


Example 2

Approximately how many km are equivalent to 17 miles ?

8 km = 5 miles

8/5 km = 1 mile 

8/5 km x 17 = 17 miles

27.2 km = 17 miles


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You can check back to these conversion charts at any point by clicking on the pink button at the side of the screen.


teenager using tablet

10 questions