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Here are some important details we all need to know:


60 seconds in 1 minute

60 minutes in 1 hour

24 hours in 1 day


This means that there are:


30 seconds in ½ minute

15 seconds in ¼ minute

45 seconds in ¾ minute


30 minutes in ½ hour

15 minutes in ¼ hour

45 minutes in ¾ hour


24 hours in 1 day

12 hours in ½ day


boy with question marks



Ahmed takes 3¼ minutes to eat his breakfast.

How many seconds is this?



1 minute = 60 seconds.

½ minute = 30 seconds.

¼ minute = 15 seconds.

3¼ minutes = 60 + 60 + 60 + 15 = 195 seconds.


Hopefully, he won't feel sick!


happy boy


Let's try some questions.

10 questions