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The digestive system is a group of organs that work together to break down food. Through this system, food is broken down into its nutrients, so that they can be absorbed and used throughout the body.


Each organ has a specific job to do in this process. The diagram below shows the different organs involved in the digestive system:


Human digestive system


So, it's lunchtime, let's follow your food on its digestive journey!


Digestion starts in the mouth, where food is broken down into smaller pieces that can travel down the oesophagus (used to be called the gullet) and into...


The stomach, where is it broken down further by muscle contractions, squeezing your stomach every 20 seconds to mix the food with digestive juices which helps to break it down. After a few hours, the food then enters...


Image of stomach


The small intestine, where vitamins, minerals and other small molecules can be easily absorbed. Some molecules, however, may still be too big or may not have been digested fully or even at all (fibre is an important part of our diet because it cannot be broken down by the body). Then on to...


The large intestine, where any excess water is absorbed into the body. Finally, it reaches...


The rectum, where any undigested food is stored before being passed through the anus as faeces (waste). Out of your body and into the toilet!! 


Image of digestive system


Useful stuff in, useless stuff out! 


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10 questions