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This activity is about finding the circumferences and areas of circles using a calculator.


We need to learn the two important formulae below using the radius of a circle (r)


Circumference of a circle = 2 π r

Area of a circle = π r2




Find the circumference and area of a circle of radius 6 cm.


π is usually taken to be 3.142, but your calculator should have the π button on it which will make your calculations more accurate. Once you've done the first part of the calculation, just tap in x π and then = and you should get the correct answer. Test it out with the examples below!



Circumference = 2 π r = 2 x π x 6 = 12 x π = 37.7 cm  (1 dp)

Area = π r2 =  π x 62 = π x 36 = 113.1 cm2  (1 dp)


On to the questions now!

10 questions