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This activity is all about comparing amounts.


We're going to be using the words most and fewest.



Which group below has the most faces?

Which group below has the fewest faces?






Group A has 6 faces.

Group B has 3 faces.

Group C has 4 faces.


Group A has more faces than both the others because 6 is bigger than both 3 and 4.

Group A has the most faces.


Group B has fewer faces than both the others because 3 is smaller than both 4 and 6.

Group B has the fewest faces.


Does that make sense?


What about these pictures of cats.

Which group has the most cats and which group has the fewest?


Group A:


four kittens


Group B:


three cats


Group C:


six cats


Group A has 4 cats, Group B has 3 cats and Group C has 6 cats.

So, Group B has the fewest and Group C has the most.


Let's try some questions now.

10 questions