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In this assessment, students will be able to complete a timed GCSE Mathematics Paper 2 (Calculator) in the style of Edexcel.

This is a mixture of single number and extended answer style assessment.


In the GCSE Examinations, you will have space given in the paper to write your answer. 

At EdPlace you will do this online.  We would recommend that you have paper to write on as well, to show your workings out.  There will be marks allocated to this and for the inclusion of diagrams in your work.


For each question, the marks awarded for each section are written next to the questions and look like this [4].

You should aim for 1 minute per mark.


The timer is set for 90 minutes for this practice paper, although you can keep working after the timer has run out.

If you are struggling to answer a question do not waste time on it, but move onto the next question.




We have no affiliation to Pearson Edexcel and these questions represent our own unique content developed by EdPlace GCSE authors.

None of the content displayed here has been supplied by Pearson Edexcel or any other third party suppliers.


28 questions