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Identify the Correct Homophone

In this worksheet, students will learn examples of homophones and find the correct homophone to complete a sentence.

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'Identify the Correct Homophone' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 11+ worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Verbal Reasoning

Curriculum subtopic:   Homophones

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Word detective, are we pleased to see you!  We’ve got another word puzzle on our hands and we need your help!


What do you notice about the following words?

aisle  I’ll  isle


That’s right, they all sound the same but they are spelled differently. Words like this are called homophones.


We need to know when to use each of these words:


Word When to use it Example


When writing about a passageway (something you walk down).

The bride walked down the aisle.

Church aisle


A shortened version of I will or I shall.

I’ll fix the car tomorrow.


Another word for a small island.

We took a tour around the isle.



Using these meanings, which word would best complete this sentence?

I walked down the supermarket ____ (aisle, I’ll, isle).


The best answer is aisle as it is something we walk down, so: I walked down the supermarket aisle.


Here are some other examples of homophones and when to use them:



A young man.


A float in the sea.


A flow of water or electricity.


A small dried fruit.



Let’s take a look at another question:

Which word would best complete this sentence? Use the table above to help you and don’t forget to make a note of any new words.


The             (buoy/boy) was confidently swimming in the sea.


The answer is boy as the marker would not confidently swim, it would just float. The context tells us that this is a human behaving in this way! So: The boy was confidently swimming in the sea.


Let’s try another:

They didn't like the  ____ (currents/currants) in their scones.


The answer is currants as we are talking about the dried fruit, so: They didn't like the currants in their scones.



Final one, and then it’s your turn:


Beware of strong             (currents/currants) when you're swimming. 



The best answer is currents as we are talking about the flow of water, so: Beware of strong currents when you're swimming. 

edplace 11+ detective


Top Tip: The best way to get to grips with pesky homophones is to write them down in your vocab book. This way, you can learn what each spelling means.

It's now your turn to hunt the homophones.

Good luck!

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