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Learn How To Write for Your Audience

In this worksheet, students will consider the importance of person when considering the purpose of their writing and its audience.

'Learn How To Write for Your Audience ' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Composition

Curriculum subtopic:   Plan What and Who to Write For

Popular topics:   Writing worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Sentences are written in the first person, second person or third person:



The first person is generally used when writing things like diaries and letters, where the writer wants to express his or her personal feelings.


Little girl writing


The first person can also be used for writing stories, especially if the author wants readers to know what the main character is thinking.


The second person is not used as much, but is common in advertising brochures.


Bucket and spade in sand


For example: 

You will have a wonderful time playing on our sandy beach.


The third person is the most common and is used for things like newspaper reports and most stories.


Girl reading


When writing stories, it is a common mistake to switch between the first and third person without noticing.


Let's move on to the questions now.

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