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What is a Habitat?

Students will answer questions to consolidate their understanding of what makes a habitat, and identify familiar habitats.

'What is a Habitat?' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Living Things and Their Habitats

Curriculum subtopic:   Habitat Needs

Popular topics:   Biology old worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Habitats are places where plants and animals live naturally. The scientific word for all living things, plants, and animals, is ORGANISM.

Plants, insects, fish, birds, and mammals are all organisms. Different habitats provide homes for different organisms.


Although habitats can be very different, (compare a seaside rock pool with a deep, dark forest), they all provide WATER, FOOD, and SHELTER for the plants and animals which live there.



Which of the below are habitats?

- a kettle

- a bush

- under a log

- an umbrella 

The habitats are the bush and under a log. 

Under a long and in a bush, we would find a variety of mini beasts like caterpillars and spiders. 


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