Electric circuits are fascinating in their own right, but learning about them can really help you to learn about how electrical appliances in general work.
As you go through your science course, you will learn more and more about them, so getting the basics right now will really help you to add new stuff later on.
So, first of all, do you know how to check whether or not a circuit will work?
Here are some hints!
Is it complete? There must be no 'gaps' in the circuit.
Is there a power source, such as a battery?
Are both sides of the battery (+ and -) connected into the circuit?
If there are two batteries, are they connected + to - so the electric current can flow?
Now, you'll have covered all this in your lessons, so this is just a reminder!
This activity will give us the chance to look at lots of different circuits and decide what the effect of changing the circuit might be, what might be wrong with the circuit and how different components (things in the circuit) behave.
So, let's get plugged in and get started!