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In this activity, we will learn about the different sections of a Venn diagram.


Look at this example.


Venn diagram


5 and 15 are odd numbers and are in the 'Odd Numbers' oval shape.

12 and 15 are numbers that are more than 10 and are in the 'Numbers more than 10' oval shape.

15 is in the middle because it is in both oval shapes.  It is an odd number that is more than 10.


Let's have a look at another example: 

Choose the right section for the number 13.


Venn diagram


Let's start by looking at the categories we have here: numbers more than 10 and odd numbers. 

We have to find the right place for 13.


Is 13 an odd number? Yes. 

Is 13 bigger than 10? Yes. 

As it is in both categories it will go in the middle group as this is where both categories cross over.

This means that 13 will go in B. 


girl has idea


Right, let's get started on the questions!