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You should know that there are:

12 months in 1 year

7 days in 1 week.


This means that there are:

6 months in ½ year

3 months in ¼ year

14 days in 2 weeks (1 fortnight).


You should also know that there are:

365 days in 1 year

366 days in 1 leap year.



Example 1

Jack takes 3 weeks to decorate his house.

How many days is this?



1 week = 7 days.

3 weeks = 3 × 7 = 21 days.



Example 2

Annie stays at her job for 4½ years.

How many months is this?



1 year = 12 months.

½ year = 6 months.


4½ years = 4 × 12 + 6 = 48 + 6 = 54 months.

10 questions