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Some of the themes that Priestley explores in ''An Inspector Calls' are:






Capitalism vs. socialism



In the exam, you might be asked to comment on the presentation of a theme.


You will need to know which parts of the play explore each of these and will need to be able to use key quotations which demonstrate these themes.


For a higher mark in the exam, you also need to think about how themes change and develop by exploring their presentation in different parts of the play.


You should also try to link the themes to the key contextual factors surrounding 'An Inspector Calls.'


Have a go at the following questions to revise the key themes Priestley explores in the play.          


You should always refer to your own text when working through these examples.  These quotations are for reference only.  


The quotations/text used in this exercise are from the copyrighted works of .J.B. Priestley, 'An Inspector Calls'.