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In this activity, we will be learning how to multiply fractions including mixed numbers. 


We can use diagrams to help us understand multiplying fractions. 


Look at this diagram which shows two and one fifth of a rectangle shaded.

That's 2 whole rectangles and one fifth of a rectangle.


Fraction rectangle 5/5 = 1  Fraction rectangle 5/5 = 1  Fraction rectangle 1/5


Let's try an example question together using this model. 



Multiply two and one fifth by 3.



This will give 3 lots of two and one fifth.


fraction statement


This gives 6 wholes and three fifths shaded as shown.


Fraction rectangle 5/5 = 1  Fraction rectangle 5/5 = 1  Fraction rectangle 5/5 = 1

Fraction rectangle 5/5 = 1  Fraction rectangle 5/5 = 1  Fraction rectangle 5/5 = 1

Fraction rectangle 3/5



fraction statement


Now it's your turn to try some questions like this.