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In this activity, we will be finding the formula that matches the results in the given table.



Find the formula that matches the results in this table.


a b
2 5
3 7
4 9
10 21


Which formula will match the results?


1.  b = 2a

2.  b = 3a - 1

3.  b = 2a + 1



We test out each formula in turn.


b = 2a doesn't work for any of the rows.


b = 3a - 1 works for when a = 2 and b = 5 , but not for the other rows.


b = 2a + 1 works for all the rows, as you have to double the a number and add 1 to get the b number.


So, the answer is b = 2a + 1


Shall we have a go at this now in the following questions?