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In this activity, we will be using pictures to complete a number story and calculation. 


Look at the pictures below.


4 cats 4 cats each with 3 kittens


We can see that on the left, there are 4 cats

On the right are the same 4 cats, but this time they each have 3 kittens. 


There are A cats, each one has B kittens. 

Altogether there are C kittens. 

A = 4

B = 3

C = 12


To find the total number of kittens, we could use these numbers to write a calculation.

4 × 3 = 12

There are 12 kittens in total.


Let's try an example question together.



2 children bake 8 cookies. 


two children bakingcookies


Write a calculation to show how many cookies each child gets. 



First, let's think about the numbers involved in this story.


There are A children, they bake B cookies. 

C is the share they each get. 

A = 2

B = 8

C = 4


So, there are 8 cookies to be shared between 2 children. 

8 ÷ 2 = 4

Each child gets 4 cookies. 


Now it's your turn to try some questions like this. 


happy boy throwing leaves in the air

10 questions