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Soldiers in a trench


For the highest marks in the exam you need to show an excellent understanding of the relationship between the play and the context in which it was written.


To show that you are writing about ideas in the play in relation to context, you might use sentences such as:


Sherriff presents the theme of ........... to show the audience that conditions during World War I were...


Sherriff explores ......... as a theme throughout the play to portray life in the trenches as...


The theme of .......... highlights the importance of ...............on the front line.



For each theme explored, think:

How is the theme presented effectively to show us something about fighting on the front line during World War I?


Remember that if you can give a personal and perceptive response in the exam, you will achieve the highest marks!


Now have a go at the following activity which will help you to evaluate the effectiveness of the themes in play.


R.C. Sherriff, 'Journey's End'