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The formula for the area, A, of a circle in terms of its radius, r, is given by:

A = πr2


In this activity, we will use the pie symbol on our calculators in our calculations.  If you do not have a scientific caluclator, you can always use the one online


To work out the shaded area shown below, we must work out the area of the outer circle and subtract the area of the inner circle.



Calculate the shaded area in cm2 between the two circles shown below.

Give your answer to 3 significant figures.




Area of outer circle = π x 92 = 81π 

Area of inner circle = π x 82 = 64π 

Shaded area = 81π - 64π = 17π = 53.38 cm2 

= 53.4 cm ² (3 s.f.)