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This activity focuses on counting and comparing numbers.


boy counting



Joe eats 13 sweets.

Kiran eats 10 sweets more than Joe.



How many sweets does Kiran eat?



Write the number that is 10 more than 13.

You can use the number line to help you count.

Start at 13 and then count 10 more.

13 + 10 = 23


number line to 20


Another way to think of it is to split your starting number into tens and ones. 13 is 1 ten and 3 ones.

If you add on 10, you only need to change the number of tens, from 1 ten to 2 tens. You don't need to change the number of ones.

So, 13 add 10 becomes 23.


Easy, right?


happy boy throwing leaves


Let's try some questions now.