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Did you know, one of the most important things a plant needs to grow well is light?


 Unlike animals, plants can make their own food, and they use sunlight energy to do this. A plant that is kept out of the light will actually starve to death!


Sunlight shining through leaves


Have you ever wondered why plants are green in colour? It's that green colour in their leaves that allows them to use the sunlight to make food.


Did you know that the food that the plant makes in its leaves is sugar?




Well, maybe not a bowl-ful, but it's sugar all the same.


As well as sunlight, the plants need two other ingredients in their sugar recipe: air (containing carbon dioxide) and water (which comes up from the roots).


In this activity, you can explore what you know about plants and their important relationship with light and, hopefully, find out a little bit more.


girl with magnifying glass

10 questions