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The Sun, moon and Earth are all spherical bodies.

This means they are all in the shape of a sphere (ball).


Earth, moon and sun


The Earth

Planet Earth is one of the closest planets to the Sun in our Solar System.


It takes Earth one year, which is 365 days, to orbit (go around) the Sun.

The Earth also spins on its own axis (on the spot). It takes 24 hours to make one rotation.


the earth


The Moon

The moon is a quarter of the size of Earth.

When we look up at the sky, it looks as if the moon changes shape each night.

These are the phases of the moon and we’ll learn about these in more detail in another activity. 


earth and moon


The Sun

The Sun is a star at the centre of our Solar System.


Life on Earth would not exist without the Sun.

We get all our light and heat from it.

If we were closer to the Sun, it would be too hot and if we were further away, it would be too dark and cold.

All the planets in our Solar System orbit (go around) the Sun.




The Sun is much, much bigger than the Earth. The Earth could fit inside the Sun 1,300,000 times!


boy pulling silly face


In this activity, we'll be answering questions about the Earth, moon and Sun. 

Let's get started.

10 questions