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This is an extended writing task. You should allow yourself 45 minutes to complete it. You may wish to spend 10 - 15 minutes of that time planning and making a list of connective words to use.  


You are being assessed for your ability to organise your ideas. You will be given marks for the following:


9 - 10 marks: Paragraphs flow fluently and link well. Connective words are integrated smoothly into the text. The student can use different length paragraphs and bullet points/speech etc, when appropriate, very well. 


7 - 8 marks: Ideas are always conveyed in full sentences, and usually in fluent paragraphs. Connective words are used and mostly flow with the sentence and paragraph they are in. The student is beginning to use different length paragraphs and bullet points/speech etc, when appropriate. 


5 - 6 marks : Trying to write in paragraphs, with some use of connective words. Is showing a logical order to their organisation of sentences. Can use a new paragraph for speech.


3 - 4 marks: Not much use of connective words, confused collection of sentences. No real evidence of paragraphs or conscious variety in length.


1 - 2 marks: Very little written and/or very difficult to read. Even when read aloud, the work does not seem to make much sense. Struggling to use full sentences.