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In this activity, we will learn how to write decimals or decimal fractions as common fractions.


This helps you understand the link between decimals and fractions.


Place value knowledge can really help us with this. 

Look at this place value chart. 


place value chart

The counters show:

2 ones (2)

5 tenths (0.5)

3 hundredths (0.03)

4 thousandths (0.004)


We can write this number as follows:

2.534 or 2 and 534/1000


Let's try an example question. 



Write the decimal 1.265 as a fraction. 



We can see there is a whole one in the number. 

There are two 10ths, six 100ths and five 1000ths. 

We can write this as 1 and 265/1000.


Are you ready to try some of these questions for yourself?


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