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Identify Key Themes in 'Macbeth'


Let's first consider: What is a theme? Why are they important? How do we identify a theme?



The best way to delve into a play or a novel is to first be clear about what happens (the plot), understand what each character brings to the story (what they do, say and how they are described). And then start to think about any ideas that run through the book. These may influence how we think and feel after we have finished, or may leave us with ideas that go further than just what has happened on the stage or in the book in front of us.

What makes literature? One way to think about literature is that the authors write about the human experience. As humans, over our lifetimes we may experience love, loss, happiness, fear, and so on. Through these experiences, no matter where in the world or what time period we live, we have these connections with other humans. The plays, novels or movies that we feel most strongly about are likely to be those where we can connect in some way, or at least recognise, some of the feelings or ideas that we have just explored.


You should always refer to your own text when working through these examples. These quotations are for reference only.

10 questions
The quotations/text used in this exercise are from the copyrighted works of William Shakespeare, 'Macbeth’.