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In this activity, we will round numbers to 1 decimal place.


What is 3.57 rounded to 1 decimal place?


Locate the digit on the right side of the one which needs to be rounded - that means we look at the digit in the hundredths column.


If the digit in the hundredths column is 5 or more, we round the number in the tenths column up.

If the digit in the hundredths column is 4 or less, we round the number in the tenths column down.

In 3.57, the digit in the hundredths column is 7, so we need to round the number in the tenths column up.


3.57 rounded to 1 decimal place is 3.6


If the number we wanted to round had been 3.54, the digit in the hundredths column would have been 4 and the number would have rounded down to 3.5.


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