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possessive pronoun is a pronoun that shows who owns something.


girl reading book


Delilah read her book.

Delilah said you can't take that book. It's hers.


The pronouns her and hers both tell us that the book belongs to Delilah, but how do we know which one to use?


In the second example, we use hers because the pronoun is on its own and we aren't saying book again afterwards.


Look at this list of possessive pronouns:


my book / mine

your book / yours

his book / his

her book / hers

our book / ours

your book / yours

their book / theirs


We use the second word in each row if we aren't mentioning the name of the thing the person owns.


Which possessive pronouns would complete these gaps?


Leave that dog alone. He's ___.


Don't touch him. He's ___ dog.




In the first sentence, we use the possessive pronoun mine as we don't mention the dog again.


Leave that dog alone. He's mine.


In the second sentence, we use the possessive pronoun my as we do mention the dog again.


Don't touch him. He's my dog.


In this activity, you'll be on the hunt for possessive pronouns. Good luck.


girl with magnifying glass