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We can estimate the answer to an addition sum by rounding the numbers to the nearest hundred before we add.


Remember that if a number ends in 50 or above, it rounds up to the next hundred.

If a number ends in 49 or anything below, it rounds down to the previous hundred.


Example 1

Estimate the answer to the following sum by rounding the numbers to the nearest hundred and then adding.


326 + 567



326 + 567

  ↓        ↓

300 + 600 = 900


Example 2

Estimate the answer to the following sum by rounding the numbers to the nearest hundred and then adding.


150 + 415



150 + 415

  ↓        ↓

200 + 400 = 600


Remember that 150 rounds up to 200, 350 rounds up to 400, 250 rounds up to 300 etc.


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