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When we write number words in numerals we look at the hundreds, tens and ones.


Let's look at three hundred and forty-five.


This is three hundred, forty and five.


345 = 300 + 40 + 5


Or three hundredsfour tens and five ones.


In a three-digit number, the digits go in columns like this:


Hundreds Tens Ones
3 4 5


Three hundred and forty-five is written as 345.


Sometimes, we might have a number that causes a little problem, such as two hundred and seven.

We can see that there are two hundreds and seven ones, but there are no tens!

We need to include a zero in the tens place to act as a place holder. If we didn't, we would simply have the number 27 which is not the right number!

If we include the zero as a place holder, our number is 207.


Are you happy with that?


girl thinking

10 questions