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                        a detective on a phone


What do you know already about the characters in 'An Inspector Calls'?


The main characters we meet in the play are: 

Mr Birling - the father

Mrs Birling - the mother

Sheila - the daughter of Mr and Mrs Birling

Eric - the son of Mr and Mrs Birling

Gerald Croft - Sheila's fiance

Eva Smith/Daisy Renton - a girl who we never see on stage but learn has committed suicide. Eva changes her name to Daisy Renton

Inspector Goole - an 'inspector' investigating the death of Eva Smith


In the Literature exam, you may be asked to write about how a particular character is presented in 'An Inspector Calls'.


Have a go at the following activity to revise the key ideas about each of the characters in the play.


You should always refer to your own text when working through these examples.  These quotations are for reference only.

The quotations/text used in this exercise are from the copyrighted works of .J.B. Priestley, 'An Inspector Calls'.