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In this activity, we will be learning to identify triangles using information about their angles. 


Remember that the interior angles of a triangle add up to 180º


right-angled triangle has one 90º angle.


An isosceles triangle has two equal angles.


An equilateral triangle has three equal angles, each of size 60º


scalene triangle has no equal angles.


Let's try an example question.


boy with football



Two of the angles in a triangle are 35º and 110º.  Which type of triangle is it?



We must first work out the third angle which will be:

180º - (35º + 110º) = 180º - 145º = 35º


So the triangle has angles 35º, 110º, 35º 

Two angles are equal, so it is isosceles.


Are you ready to have a go at this now?

boy thinking


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