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The main purpose of algebra is to solve problems.

Using equations to solve problems can be useful when we are given a word problem.



I think of a number and multiply it by 6.  After adding 20 to the result, my answer is 2.  What is the number I first thought of?


 Let the number I first thought of be x


When I multiply by 6 and add 20, this becomes 6x + 20.  This is equal to 2.


The equation is:  6x + 20 = 2


Solve to get:

6x = -18

 x = -3

The number I first thought of is -3


We can check our answer by putting it back into the equation: 

 -3 × 6 = -18

 -18 + 20 = 2 so it works.


Let's have a go at some questions now.

10 questions