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This activity is about adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.



When adding or subtracting fractions we begin by finding the lowest common multiple (LCM) of both denominators.


Solve 15/24 - 8/15


First, find the LCM of the denominators which are 24 and 15.


24 48 72 96 120
15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 ...



The LCM is 120.


We multiplied 24 by 5 to get 120


We multiplied 15 by 8 to get 120

Ok, so now we know that the LCM of the denominators is 120, we need to turn our attention to the numerators in this sum.

We must multiply the numerator by the same number as we did by the denominator to find the LCM.

So, we multiply 15 by 5, and 8 by 8

And, now we're ready to work out the answer...


15  -  8  =  15 x 5  -  8 x 8  =  75 - 64  =  11
24 15 24 x 5 15 x 8 120 120



Answers in this activity should be given as reduced fractions.


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