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We can use this number line to convert fractions into decimals.



From the number line, we know that

¾ = 0.75


This also means that.....


1¾ = 1.75

2¾ = 2.75

3¾ = 3.75

4¾ = 4.75    etc... 


We can see that it is simple to convert between fractions and decimals using tenths.


4.6 means 4 whole numbers and 6 tenths, which we can write as 4 and 6/10

3.5 means 3 whole numbers and 5 tenths, which we can write as 3 and 5/10 or simplify to make 3 and 1/2

2 and 2/10 means 2 whole numbers and 2 tenths, which we can write as 2.2


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