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This activity is about simple 2D shapes.  

We need to learn their names and spellings. Here we will look at how to work out which shape is which. 


Here, we have a square.

We can recognise a square because it always has 4 sides and 4 corners.

The lengths of the sides are always equal




This is a rectangle.

Just like a square, a rectangle also has 4 sides and 4 corners. 

However, the lengths of the sides are different to a square. On a rectangle, the sides opposite each other are always equal but the sides next to each other will not be equal. 



This picture is also a rectangle, it has just been turned! 




This is a triangle.

A triangle always has 3 corners and 3 sides. 

The length of the sides can all be the same or they can be different! 




Here, we have a circle.

A circle has no corners and it only ever has one side that goes all the way around! 



Look at this picture of a house.



The wall has 4 sides and opposite sides are equal in length. It has 4 corners.

It is a rectangle.


The roof has 3 sides and 3 corners. 

It is a triangle.


The window in the roof has 4 equal sides and 4 corners.

It is a square.


Shall we have a go searching for shapes in the questions now?


girl with magnifying glass