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We use two different symbols to show amounts of money.

We use p for pence and £ for pounds.


p goes after the number of pence.

£ goes before the number of pounds.


We never use £ and p together.





50 pence is written as 50p

27 pence is written as 27p


50 pounds is written as £50 or sometimes £50.00

27 pounds is written as £27 or sometimes £27.00


The decimal point is used to separate the pounds and the pence.


50 pounds and 27 pence is written as £50.27

2 pounds and 5 pence is written as £2.05

2 pounds and 50 pence is written as £2.50


shopping trolley


Have a look at the price labels on the shelves when you next go shopping and see if you can spot examples of these.