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An adverb describes a verb (a 'doing' or 'action' word). Using adverbs helps to make writing more interesting.

For example: The cyclist pedalled furiously down the road.


Most adverbs end in the the letters -ly, but not all of them do, so the best way to check whether a word is an adverb is to see whether it answers the question 'How?'.

How did the cyclist pedal?      Answer: furiously.


The girl played the piano well.

How did the girl play the piano?     Answer: well.

The word well is an adverb in this sentence even though it doesn't end in the letters -ly.


In the following sentence, the word woolly ends in -ly but it is NOT an adverb because it doesn't answer the question 'How?'.

The woolly sheep munched the grass.

How did the sheep munch the grass?    Answer: the sentence doesn't tell us!