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In this activity, we will practise converting a fraction into a percentage.


To convert a fraction into a percentage, you need to find an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100.    


9 × 5
20 × 5
= 45%  


The more you practise these, the more familiar you will become with the equivalent values for different denominators. Knowing the factor pairs to make 100 is also really helpful.


For example:

2 x 50 = 100

4 x 25 = 100

5 x 20 = 100

10 x 10 = 100


Let's have a go at another one.


Convert 8/25  to a percentage:


We can get 100 as the denominator if we multiply it by 4.

To create an equivalent fraction, we need to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the same number:


8/25 x 4 = 32/100, which makes 32%


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