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In this activity, we will practise sharing amounts in a given three-part ratio.




Share £132 in the ratio 1:2:3 between three people.



The first person will have one bag of money, the second two bags and the third three bags. Each bag holds an equal amount of money.

We need to work out how much money there is in each bag. 

Total number of bags = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 bags.

Sum of money in each bag = £132 ÷ 6 = £22



First person gets        1 × £22 = £22

Second person gets   2 × £22 = £44

Third person gets      3 × £22 = £66


Check: Total = £22 + £44 + £66 = £132


granny with grandchildren


Does that make sense?

You can use this method to share amounts of anything, not just money, as you will see in this activity!