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Light and shadows are inextricably linked - that means that you cannot have a shadow without a source of light.


But what about the object that the light is shining on? Does the shadow depend upon what that object is made of? If it's see-through, dark-coloured, made of plastic -  does that make a difference?


boy with question marks


Let's recap:


Opaque materials - let no light through. They block the light rays and create dark shadows.

pile of bricks



Translucent materials - let some light through in little spots all over, which makes a fainter shadow than an opaque material.

greaseproof paper


Transparent materials - let a lot of light through and can be seen though, like glass in windows or glasses. 

magnifying glass


In this activity, we are going to be looking at different materials and thinking about the shadows they make.


Let's see what we can see!