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In this activity, we will work out how much change needs to be given when we pay for something with a £1 coin.


one pound coin  


£1 = 100p



How much change is given from £1 when I pay for something costing 72p?



The number sentence for working this out is £1 - 72p = ?, as we have a pound and we take away 72 from this pound. 

Remember that £1 is 100p, so the subtraction will be: 100 - 72


The best way to work this out is to find the difference, so, instead of taking it away, we count up from 72p to £1. 

Shopkeepers count on from 72p as in the diagram.




That makes 28p change.


There is often more than one way to work out the answer to a problem in maths. The important thing is to find the way that works best for you.


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girl thinking