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You may use a calculator in this activity.


This activity is about Mathematical Matt, who asks his parents:


"Let's change how much pocket money I get! How about you give me 1p the first week, 2p the second week, 4p the third week, 8p in week 4, 16p in week 5 and so on...?"


Here's the weekly amount in pence:


1    2    4    8    16  ...


Starting at 1, we get the next number by multiplying by 2 or doubling the previous number.

These numbers are also called the powers of 2.


Week 1... 20 = 1

Week 2... 21 = 2

Week 3... 22 = 4

Week 4... 23 = 8

Week 5... 24 = 16


The 'powers of 2' are an example of a geometric sequence, where each term after the first is found by multiplying the previous term by a fixed number, called the common ratio. The common ratio is 2.


The powers of 2 sequence goes on forever - it is infinite and grows quickly!


Example 1

How much will Matt get, in pence, in week 7?



He will get 26 = 64p.


Example 2

How much will Matt get, in pence, in total by week 4?



He will get 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15p.


Example 3

How much will Matt get, in pounds, in week 17?



He will get 216 = 65,536p = £655.36.


Shall we get started?


girl on tablet