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In this activity, you will become more familiar with a kind of text known as a legend.


What is a legend?


Legends are stories that are largely believed to be rooted in some form of truth.

Legends are events that take place within human history.

Due to the manner in which legends are passed on (by word of mouth) the details evolve and change over time, becoming more fictional.


legend of dragon


Top tips when answering questions about a text:


1. First of all, read through the text twice.

2. If you reach a word with a capital letter that you don't understand,

    it will be the name of something or someone, so move on.

3. If you reach a word you don't know the meaning of, read around

    the sentence for clues to help you to understand it.

4. When you are asked to give evidence in an answer, always use words

    or key phrases from the text to back up your opinion.

5. You don't have to answer the questions in order, if you find a tricky one,

    just move on, you can always return to it later!


Remember that reading comprehension is not a memory test, all of the information you need to answer the question will be within the text.


This activity will be based upon an Ancient Roman legend - Romulus and Remus


If you are ready, let's get started with some questions!