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Good job! You have taken the time to practise some SATs practice SPAG questions.


This practice SPAG activity will help you to answer questions in SATS Paper 2 about 'conjunctions'.


What is a conjunction?


Think of a conjunction as a joining word that will link different parts of a sentence together.

A conjunction will connect two clauses in a sentence.

Sometimes conjunctions are called connectives, but it is very important that you use conjunction; this is the correct term and the one that shall be used in your SATs test paper.


There are two types of conjunction we need to learn about...


1. Co-ordinating conjunction


A co-ordinating conjunction will be used to link two parts of a sentence that are equally as important.

For example:

  • but
  • and
  • or
  • yet
  • so
  • nor


Here is a sentence with a co-ordinating conjunction:

I am going shopping and I will buy my lunch in the cafe.


2. Subordinating conjunction


A subordinating conjunction has a different job; it will introduce a clause that does not make sense on its own (a subordinate clause).

For example:

  • when 
  • where 
  • why
  • unless
  • because
  • after 
  • if


Here is a sentence with a subordinating conjunction:

I feel so happy whenever you are near!