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Living organisms are very diverse, meaning that they are different and varied. But although plants and animals look and behave very differently, they have characteristics in common.


Elephant Daisies 


Can you believe that an African elephant has a lot in common with a daisy plant?


Think about all the animals and plants that you have learnt about. There are some things that they all need and some processes that they all carry out.


In science, these are called the life processes:










Plants and animals need oxygen. This gas is used by organisms to release the energy from food in the process called respiration.


Plants and animals are sensitive to their environment. The leaves of green plants respond to, and grow towards light.


Humans and other animals respond to the world around us using our senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.


the five senses


As plants and animals grow and turn food into energy, they produce waste. This process is called excretion.


Today we will be looking at the different processes of living things as well as the ways they are categorised, like:


Meat/animal eating animals = carnivore


Plant eating animals = herbivore


Animals that eat plants and meat/other animals = omnivore


girl thinking


Now let's practise all that!