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In this activity, we will be solving multiplication and division problems based on pictures. 


Look at the pictures below which show a story. 


4 cats   4 cats, each with 3 kittens
There were 4 Cats.   Each cat had 3 Kittens.


The first picture shows us four cats. 

In the second picture, we can see that each cat now has 3 kittens. 

How many kittens altogether?


We can find the total number of kittens either with repeated addition: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12

Or, we could use the times tables fact 4 × 3 = 12

Both these calculations show the total number of kittens. 


Let's try an example question together. 



Here are two cats:


2 cats


Each cat has 3 kittens:


2 cats, each with 3 kittens


How many kittens are there altogether?



We can find the total number of kittens either with repeated addition: 3 + 3 = 6

Or, we could use the times tables fact 2 × 3 = 6

Both these calculations show that the total number of kittens is 6. 


Now it's your turn to try some similar questions. Good luck!


boy with cat